Thursday, June 23, 2016

Further Thoughts of Veterans of the Past

Father Marcel Berthon's headstone, Saint Martin's
University Graveyard, God's Acre. Taken June 6, 2016.
      My escapades from earlier around the campus would lead me to revisit the graveyard on Saint Martin's. I would find several names but one that stood out again was Father Marcel Berthon, himself and four other monks from the abbey joined as military chaplains to support the ongoing war effort. After the war he resumed teaching at Saint Martin's University and benefit the community until his death. A graduate from the class of '59 was the one who financed the memorial piece pictured earlier in my blog. A strong sense of inner peace radiates from God's Acre.
Father Alcuin Lawrence's headstone, Saint Martin's University,
God's Acre. Taken June 6, 2016.
     Another key member among the five monks that served as a military chaplain was Father Alcuin Lawrence. He served as Dean of Men after Father Marcel Berthon from 1942-1943 before he commissioned in the Army. Father Alcuin was avid about human and workers rights and was also known as the "Labor Priest." After his service in the military, Father Alcuin, returned to SMU and advocated against unions forming within the school. He would later serve as a U.S. representative for Workers Rights conventions in conferences in Europe.

     In my development for my final paper I sought out "The Place Called Saint Martin's 1895-1995" and it would lead me searching for more information about the five military chaplain monks. Through my pursuit I was lead by the Abbey historian, Father Gerard, to seek out "Between The Years 1895 - 1945," but was unable to find a copy within the library. Ironically, I had already seen a copy earlier in the term without realizing it and was able to meet with Father Peter to divulge needed information from one of the few copies on campus. Once I had all my referenced information I began to write my paper, but I lacked current perspectives from those on campus and later interviewed Father Peter, Prof. Kyle Smith, Pres. Henderickx, and a WA Army National Guard Chaplain CPT Jeffrey Cole. Putting all together in one paper would seem to be a very interesting process and learning experience. 
The two books about Saint Martin's University as picured
below Saint Martin's Library across from Special Collections.

Jeanne D'arc Display in Saint Marin's
Univeristy main admin hallway. 

     As I try to come up with ways to honor past Saint Martin Veterans one of the few ideas that comes to mind is a life-size representation. I'd like to think of the representation of being a mannequin wearing a WWII Army Chaplain's uniform complete with awards and insignias along with some type of brief history of our five military chaplains. In one way or another I come to realize I can't do these projects myself and will call upon other members of the student body and veteran's club to help accomplish a number of tasks within the next school year.

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