Sunday, May 22, 2016

Imperfect Photgraphs

18 May, 2016
Mima Mounds Natural Area Preserve and a gun range in the distance.
     Today, we traveled to Mima Mounds, just short of 20 minutes from downtown Olympia. As we wandered through these mysterious mounds dried foliage crunched beneath our feet as not so distant gunshots echoed in the trees around us. The landscape was littered with these mounds and most of the them were about 5-10 meters in diameter and about as tall as the average person. A small path curved around the area and looped back around to the dome like watch tower.

     I decided not to be the typical tourist and took pictures differently as suggested from "Counter.Tourism," but I also included my own twists on what I had decided to share. 

     Among the other stop we had made, we had also decided to visit the lake besides the Old Olympia Brewery. There was a nice little park designed for children and families across the lake from the brewery and it seems the ducks and especially their ducklings get all the attention this time of year. A Professional photographer had been taking pictures of the ducks as we had come across this little park and I decided to take a picture of what I'm seeing while others are taking their own pictures.  

The picture is focused on ducks walking around a lake with photographers and students admiring the scene.
students, photographers, visitors, and ducks by the Old Olympia Brewery Lake.

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